Treatment Methods:
Both inside and outside the therapy office I come from an existential-humanistic worldview that deeply honors every individual’s experience and the context they are situated in.
I believe that by slowly and gently excavating your strengths, beliefs, and even contradictions, you have the power to move toward deeper authenticity.
I have a background in the arts and enjoy working creatively with clients whenever “making sense” and using language falls short.
Paying attention to the mind/body connection has provided insight and healing in my own life and it is something you can expect me to bring into our work together.
In addition to being a therapist I am a fine artist. I make ceramics, paintings, drawings, and animations.
I am an east coast transplant in Oregon, and come from a working-class Italian immigrant family. I have experience loving family members with whom I do not share language.
I am in a queer marriage with a partner who has an ASD diagnosis. We share a home with our dear cat Alfred.
I believe that we can find joy and live fully despite the constraints of capitalism.